πŸŽ‰ #SocialEUAward – And the winners are

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Dear participant,

We are delighted to anno=
unce that you are one of the three winners of the 1st edition of th=
e #SocialEUAward

Between many projects, these are the ones who emerged, for differe=
nt reasons but with the same purpose to make the dissemination on social me=
dia a clue point of the Europen Projects development.

Here you can find our motivations why these projects are the best in a s=
pecific category.

=E2=96=B6=EF=B8=8E The #SocialEU =
prize is looking for you. Please, give us your office address where we can =
send the box! =F0=9F=93=AC 

=F0=9F=8E=89=F0=9F=8E=89=F0=9F=8E=89 And the winners are… =F0=9F=

CHARTER – Best Soci=
al Media Activity

The high quality of the =
contents and the constancy of the editorial plan, reveal the accuracy that =
this partnership addressed to dissemination through social media and the pr=
esence of a dedicated dissemination team.  

WeRin – Best Editorial Plan

The proj=
ect channels are marked with a constant posting where the visual identity i=
s clear and visible and the tone of voice and the posting style is clearly =
oriented to inclusion: perfectly in line with the project aims.

EntreCompEdu – Best Social Networking
How difficult is it to gain results from Project Facebook =
groups or Twitter accounts? Good results such as for the EntreCompEdu come =
from the clear idea of the importance that social media means networks firs=
t of all. Thus the attention to listen and share others content and at the =
same time being visible and on topic with a clear dissemination strategy, g=
rowing up a hundred contact community.

Visit SocialEU, join the Community of European Project Man=
agers and promote your European projects!

Application sent from SocialEU Award page

This application has been sent from the SocialEU Award form page by: carlo magnimagni.carlo@gmail.comme stessostesso metargetErasmus + action *: Sportcarlomagni.netfbtwinstlinkedyoutluachan link socialprova seconda textarea —