Training European project managers on the use of social networks

Social EU wants to develop and test an innovative training approach and methodology for EU project managers on how to best use social media in order to reach wider and diverse audience with their project.


handbook for EU project managers

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Social network are the new channel for communication. On them information have the chance to reach million of people in a second, creating new possibilities but also high risk if the information are not correct or vehiculated properly.

Training european project managers, particularly those working in Erasmus + KA2, on a better use of social network is key to allow Europe to spread its messages and values, reach more people with the opportunities offered and increase awareness at local level of what Europe is doing for the communities in each member state.

Social EU want to develop and test an innovative training approach and methodology for EU project managers on how to best use social media in order to reach wider and diverse audience with their project.

To reach project objectives, the partnership is composed of 5 partners from 5 european countries, representing of the sectors Erasmus + is focusing its action and of all the potential profiles of EU project partners (HEI organization, VET provider, SMEs consultant, Schools, Associations working with young people).

Local Events

Useful tools to develop
for EU Project Managers

The partnership will also organize a European training event in Portugal to test the project and to collect first feedbacks from beta users.


Latest news from the project

Newsletter #3

The dissemination is crucial in EU project and we may define it as the public disclosure of the project results.

Interview to Juan Manuel Hegedüs

Interview to Juan Manuel Hegedüs, Communication Manager of the project  Charter – Best Social Media Activity winner – #SocialEU Award 2021

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