As a participant of SocialEu Training in Portugal in the pilot of the Online Training Course, how do you think it’s necessary to do a project like SocialEu that wants to improve the skills of Eu Managers in social media? Do you think in general there is enough spread of information in European projects?
The project SocialEU embeds very strategic goals, particularly the one focused on teaching EU project managers how to efficiently disseminate the outputs of their projects’ activities on social media but not only. We work a lot and spend a lot of energies on implementing EU projects, but we lack on communication and most of the time we do not share enough and/or in the appropriate way the achievements reached. That is why the training was very useful.
Information about EU projects are enough spread in my opinion, the only problem that I can see so far is that that information is available only in some specific platform not accessible to everybody. Therefore, only technicians and experts of the sector are able to find the information needed, while for the others is more difficult.
After a few months of training, have you noticed any changes in your organisation in terms of creation of content and social media management? Are you using skills learned in the training?
Absolutely! I feel more confident on writing news and social media posts and I can see that I obtain more reactions from the public. Even my supervisor noticed an improvement and asked to me to shared the knowledge acquired among the colleagues.
The Training had an huge impact creating a spillover movement!
In general, how much do you think social media helps to disseminate the project? Do you think European Project managers have enough knowledge on this field? What do you think of the idea of using a platform or a channel to spread European projects dynamically?
Social media are essential to disseminate the project to the big audience, however according to the target group of our projects, we should select which kind of communication tools are more appropriated.
Most of the time, EU project managers have basic skills on communication as they are more specialized on content and reporting and they rely on the Communication team or experts on Communication.
A platform or a channel to spread European projects dynamically sounds the missing puzzle, a great idea also for networking!
Social networks are constantly changing. How relevant you consider the existence of a platform like SocialEu that helps to be updated in social media, having the possibility to create connections, forums and know about different EuProjects.
Please, could you add a comment to encourage European Project Managers to sign up for the online course if you consider it.
Are you sure to know how to efficiently disseminate your activities? Test your knowledge through the training!