Application sent from SocialEU Award page

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Project manager name and surname: Elin McCallum
Project manager email:
Project Title: EntreCompEdu
Project Short Description: EntreCompEdu aimed to foster educators’ entrepreneurial education skills to strengthen their creative and entrepreneurial mindsets. The project adapted the EntreComp framework to the professional environment of educators and developed a free online training course. EntreCompEdu also developed a practice map collated by and for teachers with practical examples of how teachers foster an entrepreneurial mindset in their students. The EntreCompEdu professional skills framework, online learning course, and practice map are available on the EntreCompEdu website.

This project is now being delivered as a third training pilot with teachers within EntreComp Europe, and partners are actively seeking opportunities to scale-up the programme.
Project Short Description: Teachers and educators at all levels in both formal and non formal teaching environments.
Erasmus + Action: KA3
Project website:
The link to your best social media content:
More elements: The social media dissemination was led by Bantani Education, we used the usual channels of social media, website, blogs, and marketing emails but also used new strategies to create engaging visual content to both spread the message of the project and celebrate our learners. We are especially proud of the Policy Toolkit developed, which describes the main outputs of the project and serves as a “Yearbook” for our course graduates.

We also ran a number of social media campaigns, such as for the launch of our online course, and to advertise our policy event. Using social media helped us top reach a wide audience easily, and sharing the posts with project partners made dissemination even easier. For example,

Both our Twitter profile and Facebook group have seen a great number of interactions from our community members and followers who frequently like share and repost our message all helping us once again reach as wide an audience as possible.

Date: December 21, 2021
Time: 12:11 pm
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