Newsletter #2


Partners organized a European training week for project managers to test the methodology and tools of Social EU in Beja (Portugal), from the 2nd till the 8th of May 2022.

15 project managers, representing all the partners involved in the consortium, were involved in the LTTA. The project managers who joined the face-to-face training in Portugal, were part of a group of project managers who were rstly invited to join the online community and test the online tools; the 15 participants were selected according to the interaction on the platform, as well as their interest in the project.

The training was tailored to the needs of participants and each of them joined the training with one of their ongoing projects to make a real case scenario. Each partner was responsible to develop its own part of the IO2 (Social EU Training Curriculum), providing theoretical and practical sessions about one of the following aspects: analysis, choosing a Social Network, strategic planning, doing, monitoring.

Newsletter #1

MULTIPLIER EVENTS IN EACH PARTNERS’ COUNTRY– Newsletter I Within the scope of the Social EU project multiplier events were organised by each partner organisation. These 

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