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Project manager name and surname: Julia Nyikos
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Project Title: Who needs empowerment? Exploring Gender and Power through/in Art
Project Short Description: Power is an Erasmus+ KA2 – Strategic Partnerships project, funded by the French National Agency. Over the next 4 years, 5 partner organization from Spain, Italy, France and Slovenia, will work on raising awareness about how gender is connected to power. Power is a fundamental concept in social science in the same sense in which Energy is the fundamental concept in physics (Russell). In all societies, power is distributed unequally between people: they have different influence over decisions, different rights and duties (Eriksen). Gender is one of the dimensions that seems to organise this inequality of power distribution, with women tending to have lower rank and less power than men, across different times and places. Though in many European countries there was a perception that these differences have been overcome, the explosion of the #MeToo movement showed even in Europe, the subject is not quite settled. What’s more, previously muted gender minorities have highlighted new forms of exclusions and discrimination.
Project Short Description: • Primary target group: 100 youngsters (from 18 to 30) from different cultural and social backgrounds, from gender minorities and of heterosexual identity.
• Secondary target group: 300 youth workers, (museum) facilitators, art educators.
Erasmus + Action: KA2 Youth
Project website:
The link to your best social media content:
More elements: • Website: A strong role is given to the project’s website, which will be the catalyst of the work carried out by all workgroups, partners and the tool used to promote all the IOs and project’s results to a broader public. The website will be in English.
Additionally each partner will give visibility to the project in their own websites. The combined visitor numbers of the websites of partners will reach around 60.000 people.
• Social networks: FACEBOOK The project will not have a separate Facebook page, instead we’ll use partners’ pages to publish selected news on the social profiles of each partner, the outcomes and results of the project, in order to benefit from their current followers and likes. From the combined FB presence of partners, we could reach as much as 145.000 people. INSTAGRAM channel was set up at the beginning of the project and will be maintained for its entire duration and at least one year after its end We’ll also rely on partners’ own IG accounts. The first outcomes were published just one month ago and we started to publish the pedagogical card which contain both an illustration and a personal story of the participants of the workshops of the first IO. Our goal is to publish them all and sensitize the IG public on this topic, trying to relate to the personal stories and to engage with them. The channel will follow an artistic vibe, as it flow in the whole project.
Date: December 22, 2021
Time: 10:46 am
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