Application sent from SocialEU Award page

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Project manager name and surname: Paolo Menescardi
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Project Title: Sport Diplomacy Academy
Project Short Description: Sport Diplomacy Academy is a European Union pilot sport project (2018-1-EACS-EMS-000114) and aims to empower the cooperation with Western Balkans as a logical follow up of all implemented activities under First Bulgarian Presidency of the Council of the EU #EU2018BG priority: the EU perspective and connectivity of the Western Balkans, referring to the Sofia Declaration and Sofia Priority Agenda. The project will ensure the educational mobility of coaches and other staff of sport organizations (incl. volunteers) linked to professional and grassroots sport in Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and Italy. The 4 modules of mobility, held in each one of the partners countries with the same group of participants will improve their competences as well as their qualifications and acquire new skills through learning mobility and spending a period of time in a foreign country (in and outside of the EU). The learning mobility will be an investment in human capital and a contribution to the capacity building of sport organizations with clear focus on building a network of 80 “diplomats in sport suits” (20 from each partner country) aimed at achieving European integration in the Western Balkan countries through sport.
Project Short Description: Sport Managers
Erasmus + Action: Sport
Project website:
The link to your best social media content:
More elements: The social media strategy followed the 2-year project.
These were the stages:
– raise awarness about the topic of Diplomacy in Sport
– launch of the projects and its activity
– presentation of the 80 participants
– preparation of each training modules and sharing the content of them
– promotion of the dissemination local activities
– preparation and promotion of the forth Online module

Date: December 3, 2021
Time: 3:59 pm
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