Application sent from SocialEU Award page

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Project manager name and surname: AYŞİN KAPLAN SAYI
Project manager email:
Project Title: FEMALES
Project Short Description: The project “Female Legends of Science” is based on the values of gender equality and non-discrimination between women and men in the fields of science, technology, engineering, mathematics, innovation and innovative entrepreneurship.Young girls (age 13-18): empowering them through role-model game-based education in approaching STEM, finding inspirational personalities and planning their careers without considering social stereotypes
Young boys (age 13-18): empowering them to respect their female classmates and later co-workers without stereotypes by acquainted with the importance of women contributions in STEM
STEM teachers (in secondary education): enhancing their skills and professional development by providing them innovative educational methods to make the role of women in science visible in their classroom, overcome their own stereotypes and encourage young girls in STEM
STEM professionals like trainers, career coaches, science communicators, researchers, university stuff
Participants within the duration of the project will be 300 professionals (teachers and others) and 1500 students of the profile described above. Participating organizations are experienced organizations and well-suited team of professionals from all aspects of the project from public bodies and educational authorities, University researchers and professors, NGOs and associations with great activity on the STEM field game-based and digital learning tools. BAU Univesity and Sukru Ulgezen vocational high school in Istanbul Turkey, Challedu game-based education NGO from Greece, AIJU digital tools NGO in Spain, Euphoria net srl European values NGO in Italy, CDDT public body for teacher education in Romania for career development are the partners of the project.
Project Short Description: To bring out the significant role of women in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths).
To fight stereotypes of students and teachers.
To inspire young girls through role-model education to follow STEM careers.
To enhance acquisition of key skills and competences for STEM careers from all students (boys and girls).
To enhance teachers’ skills in dealing with inclusion in STEM
Erasmus + Action: KA2 School
Project website:
Facebook: Femalelegendsofscience
Twitter: @Females
Instagram: @femaleslegendsofscience
The link to your best social media content:
More elements: We generally focus on our disseminatipn plan and use the social media platforms according to the activities.

Date: December 6, 2021
Time: 1:58 pm
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